Retail Automotive Consulting
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Thank you for choosing me as your automotive advocate. Providing concierge services to those that request professional consultation in the retail environment. The services I provide will most definitely save you time and money as we navigate through the process.
Purchase of a new or pre-owned vehicle-
I will locate and negotiate the best possible deal on your behalf. You communicate directly with me, eliminating all the back and forth associated with calling, emailing or visiting several dealerships.
Minimum fee = $500 or 1% of final purchase price (before trade), whichever is greater
Evaluate and negotiate trade – add $250
Negotiate lease buy out - add $250
Negotiate lease or finance terms – add $100
Arrange PPI inspection – add $100
Arrange shipping or transport – add $100
Personal & consulting services billable @$75 per hour. Special projects are custom quoted.
Concierge brokerage -
Includes comprehensive photo shoot, marketing on various web-based platforms, networking, screening and negotiating with prospects and leads.
Fees vary, but will run between 5% and 10% of the final sale price. This is based on the type or value of the vehicle and complexity of the project. Minimum fee is $500.
Arrange transport to buyer – $100 (buyer usually pays shipping)
Set up and arrange PPI inspection – $100 (buyer usually pays for inspection)
A non-refundable marketing fee of $250 - $500 is required up front to cover the expense of photo shoot, on-line marketing and qualifying potential buyers.
Miscellaneous expenses –express mail, detailing, international calls are billed at cost.
Final fees are payable by check,Venmo or Zelle after transaction is completed. Otherwise, this is a hand shake agreement without a written contract. I earn my fees only if I produce a favorable outcome. Thank you for choosing my services. I look forward to assisting you.